Understanding Childhood ADHD
Adam McCaffrey Adam McCaffrey

Understanding Childhood ADHD

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent concern among parents seeking assessments for their children. Despite the abundance of information available, many parents and teachers find it challenging to understand what ADHD truly entails. In this post, I will explore the fundamentals of ADHD.

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Battling the Boogeyman: Fearing Failure
Adam McCaffrey Adam McCaffrey

Battling the Boogeyman: Fearing Failure

Children have many fears. Common fears include heights, separation from their parents, the dark, and bugs or spiders.

Yet, there is another type of fear that often goes unnoticed but can significantly impact a child's learning: the fear of failure.

This fear lurks beneath the surface, is hard to see, and difficult for anyone to describe.

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How to tell my child about an upcoming assessment
Adam McCaffrey Adam McCaffrey

How to tell my child about an upcoming assessment

One of the most frequent questions I get from clients when they schedule an assessment is,

"What do I tell my child?" It's only natural to have concerns about approaching the subject with them, especially since it is complicated to explain. Below are some strategies to help you navigate this important conversation.

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What to do while waiting for a psychoeducational assessment
Adam McCaffrey Adam McCaffrey

What to do while waiting for a psychoeducational assessment

If your child is on a waitlist for a psychoeducational assessment either through a private practice or at the school board, you are not alone. Waitlists in most areas are long and you may be feeling anxious on what you can do right now to help your child. Psychoeducational assessments are often essential in understanding your child's strengths and challenges with learning, but can come with long wait times. In this post, I will explore some practical steps to take while waiting.

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Helping your child understand their learning assessment results
Adam McCaffrey Adam McCaffrey

Helping your child understand their learning assessment results

I often see parents worried about how to explain the results of an psychoeducational assessment to their children. It can be difficult because we do not want our children to feel self-conscious, insecure or defeated. We equally do not want them to feel confused or misinterpret what the results mean. However, understanding their strengths and weaknesses may be crucial to validating your child’s frustrations with learning and understand what supports and strategies can help them.

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