Blue Door Psychological Services specializes in assessments of psychological, behavioural and learning concerns.

Psychoeducational Assessment and Testing, ADHD and Learning Disabilities Testing. Child Psychologist in Ottawa Canada.

The practice works with children, adolescents, teenagers and young adults (ages 4 to 21) in assessing barriers that may be limiting their natural propensity to learn and general well-being.

Psychoeducational assessments provide a comprehensive look at an individual's various strengths and weaknesses and provides insights into specific learning profiles.

Common challenges assessed are learning difficulties (reading, writing, math, memory, processing information), attention and hyperactivity and social/emotional concerns (anxiety & depression).


Common Questions About Assessments

What is a Psychoeducational Assessment?

A psychoeducational assessment is a way to understand how someone learns, thinks, and remembers things. It can help us figure out if someone has any problems that might make it hard for them to learn in school or other challenges at home. This assessment helps to find out what someone is good at and what they might struggle with. The assessment can also help us find out if someone has a learning disability or other problem that affects how they learn. These assessments can be useful for finding out about conditions like intellectual disability, specific learning disability, ADHD, autism, and other disorders. By understanding how someone learns and perceives the world, we can figure out how to help them do their best in school and life. 

How will an Assessment Help my Child in School?

 An assessment can help in many ways and is invaluable to understanding the strengths and challenges your child has in learning. It can help narrow in on what specific concern they are having and inform the appropriate intervention. Simply put, an assessment can take a lot of the guess work out of addressing learning challenges. Assessments are comprehensive and are often important to children getting back on the right track with their learning and having the supports they need.

What is the Cost?

Blue Door Psychological Services charges fees aligned with the standards of the Ontario College of Psychologists (i.e., $250 per billable hour). The typical assessment involves 12 to 14 hours from intake to feedback to complete.
Clients pay half the estimated cost for the assessment at the halfway mark of an assessment and the rest of the cost at the end of the assessment once a feedback session is provided.
A full report is provided at the end of the assessment.
A typical psycho-educational assessment includes the following:

  1. Intake Interview

  2. In-Person testing

  3. Administration & scoring testing

  4. Writing of a comprehensive report

  5. Feedback meeting

Does my Insurance Cover the Assessment Costs? 

If you have health insurance, check with your provider to see if they will cover the cost of a psychological assessment. Some insurance companies will only pay for part of the cost or have a limit on how much they will pay. They might also require a referral from your primary care doctor or another healthcare professional.

Each client is provided with signed invoices detailing each hour to submit to their insurance provider.

How do we Prepare for the Assessment?

There is no one way to prepare. In fact, the most important thing a child can do to prepare is to feel comfortable and get a good nights rest before testing.

Ways they can feel comfortable are to tell them briefly about what they will expect from meeting such that they will be engaging in puzzles, drawing and answering questions. They are encouraged to bring some toys or things that help them to feel comfortable like a teddy bear and snack for breaks. Every effort is made to help your child feel comfortable and in most cases children leave having had a lot of fun during the assessment.

Further Questions

If you have any questions, please feel free to send an email to
If you wish to schedule for an assessment, please click on the
contact us page to leave your contact details.